Stas Bekman writes:
> Anyway, you can take tutorials without going to any conferences. My
> tutorials are available from, Nat has posted his
> tutorial's URL a few months ago and it should be available in the
> archives. I suppose you can ask other folks that deliver mod_perl
> tutorials at OSC to give you the URL of their talks.

I won't be giving my tutorial at the Open Source Convention.

I'd just like to remind folks that the course-notes are not the only
reason to attend the tutorial.  The other is the face-to-face
information exchange, which has a vastly higher bandwidth than email.
I learned more practical information listening to the mod_perl guys
drinking beer at ApacheCon than I did from the mailing list.  I heard
knowledge *emerge* from conversations ("wow, it sounds like most
everyone modifies Apache::DBI for their own needs").  It was really

I point this out because this year we REALLY REALLY need attendees.
The economy is in the crapper just as we expanded to have many more
tracks and topics (splitting mod_perl off from Perl, so you can have a
dedicated room of just mod_perl for two days, is one example).  If you
can justify attending, and you can convince your boss to pay for it,
then please try to come.  I don't normally beg this shamelessly, but
if we end up with 200 attendees, it *will* affect how much of a
convention we can put on next year.

So by all means read the tutorials online, but remember that there are
lots of other reasons to attend the Open Source Convention (the big
shindig that includes The Perl Conference and the mod_perl track).


(oscon/tpc content planner)

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