Ken Williams wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (allan) wrote:
> >im aware of the head/HEAD problem that comes with LWP on mac osX and
> >have therefore copied a binary head that ken williams sent me into
> >/usr/bin and moved the lwp head into /usr/local/bin.
> Looks like that problem still isn't fixed, as shown by the following
> error message:
> >Usage: head [-options] <url>...
> >    -m <method>   use method for the request (default is 'HEAD')
> You may have a different PATH than I do, or different capitalization on
> the binary files.  The upshot is that when you run the 'head' command,
> it *must* run the /usr/bin/head program I sent you and not LWP's 'HEAD'
> script.  Here's a transcript from my shell, what does yours say?
>    [localhost:~] ken% which head
>    /usr/bin/head
>    [localhost:~] ken% which HEAD
>    /usr/local/bin/HEAD

hi ken
thank you  for the pointer but this head file is really going on my
nerves ,-)

one thing: i have discovered that another problem i have had since
upgrading to perl 5.6.1 might be interfering with the one in this topic
(im not sure though -  it is concerning setenv)

look at this new fresh terminal window:

[localhost:~] aju% which head
[localhost:~] aju% which HEAD
[localhost:~] aju% setenv LC_ALL C
[localhost:~] aju% setenv LANG "en_US"
[localhost:~] aju% which head
[localhost:~] aju% which HEAD

one thing is certain even if dont use the setenv command:

the file called head inside /usr/bin is definetely the binary you sent me
the file called head inside /usr/local/bin is definetely the LWP one
inside these directories there are definetely only one head file (ie
there is no room for another with another capitalization)

nevertheless when i try to build mod_perl i will get the annoying:

Usage: head [-options] <url>...
    -m <method>   use method for the request (default is 'HEAD')

maybe i should just start all over, reformat and everything ...?

thanks once again

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