[EMAIL PROTECTED] (allan) wrote:
>one thing: i have discovered that another problem i have had since
>upgrading to perl 5.6.1 might be interfering with the one in this topic
>(im not sure though -  it is concerning setenv)
>look at this new fresh terminal window:
>[localhost:~] aju% which head
>[localhost:~] aju% which HEAD
>[localhost:~] aju% setenv LC_ALL C
>[localhost:~] aju% setenv LANG "en_US"
>[localhost:~] aju% which head
>[localhost:~] aju% which HEAD

Criminy!  I don't understand this one bit.  But if you do:

  cd /usr/local/bin

then you should have it out of the way for good.  At least until you try
to upgrade LWP. =)

>maybe i should just start all over, reformat and everything ...?

No, that's probably a bit too drastic if you've got anything of
consequence on the disk.

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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