It can be a real nightmare getting it all compiled and working, 
especially if you're not on Linux, but it is worth it in the end.

I strongly recommend building everything yourself from the ground up, 
wherever possible, especially if you're working in a production 
environment. Vendor-supplied versions are often subtly different from 
the public distributions, and when you do need to recompile for some 
reason (e.g. mod_perl, or Apache modules that don't play nicely with 
your current build) you don't want to have to wait for your vendor to 
pull their finger out.

The perl sources are obtainable from

There is additional INSTALL documentation for AIX. It looks like you 
will need one of a couple of vendor supplied compilers, or gcc and some 

The mod_perl source does contain some stuff about patching the perl 
sources for AIX. This is intended for use by the 'ubiquitous' patch 
program (also written by Larry Wall). Try 'man patch' or 'which patch' 
on your system. If you don't have it, there's a Gnu version you can get. 
If you have trouble getting patch working, just try and patch the 
sources manually :-)

Once you've got your patched version of perl up and running (it may fail 
a few obscure tests ... on Mac OS X, perl 5.6.1 failed on 4 tests), the 
rest *should* be fairly straightforward ...

Good luck!

On Wednesday, June 6, 2001, at 02:54  pm, Stas Bekman wrote:

> This is one of those emails where my address is confused with mod_perl
> list's addresses.
> Ian, if you have questions about mod_perl you should ask them at
> I didn't work with AIX for ages, so neither could be much of help with 
> its
> compiler problems, howerever there are a few folks on the list, who can
> probably help you.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 14:40:58 +0100
> From: Ian Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Perm Module VM_Monitor
> Help please. Do you have any other documentation. I realise some of the
> problems we incurred are self inflicted.
> We are using Apache under the guise of IBM's websphere products on AIX
> 4.3.3 with RS6000 servers. We thought that the VM-Monitor would be very
> useful,
> however our knowledge of Perl and C is extremely limited. One of our 
> Unix
> Admin guys had a go with the following results.
> 1) Spend three hours finding out about CPAN modules and picked up one 
> very
> important fact - mod_perl needs to be installed/configured beside the
> webserver
> before any of this could be used.
> 2) Spend another couple of hours finding the source code for mod_perl 
> and
> getting it onto a test node.  Now the fun starts
> 3)  Need a C compiler to compiler mod_perl and the test node didn't 
> have one
> or
> I had to find/download/installed/compile gcc on to the node
> 4) First failure trying to compile mod_perl was that it needed perl 
> (pretty
> obvious with hindsight).  So I moved the C compiler and the mod_perl 
> build
> environment to the unused HUB system (as PSSP comes with perl).
> 5) Oops the packaged version is not at a high enough level.  I found an 
> perl runtime on the BULL site at the minimum level required and 
> installed
> that.
> 6) Now the instructions on mod_perl are invalid for IHS and building a 
> so
> it took at bit of time to find a Web Site with the relevant flags 
> listed.
> 7) Now the apxs system (api extensions) failled as the file appears to 
> be
> misconfigured - there are no instructions anywhere on what it should be 
> so a
> little bit of trial and error was required to get passed this bit.
>  8) Now the C compiler requires a file that doesn't exist and does say 
> what
>  should be in it.  So time to move C Compilers - I installed the IBM C
> Compiler
>  to see if that gets a further.
>  9) Link errors about symbol tables - will this hell ever end.  The 
> compiler
>  couldn't find a symbol table in one directory (it was in another one) 
> so a
>  symbolic link came about.
>  10) Hurray - I finally get a copy of created with no errors.
> Time
>  to test it with IHS.
>  11) Bugger - segmentation fault everytime its called - another search 
> of
> the
>  internet shows an article saying that for AIX a patch must be applied 
> to
> the
>  perl distribution before mod_perl is created.  It lists all the 
> relevant C
> code
>  but gives no indication on how to apply it or in which file.  Yet more
> digging
>  makes me think the patch would have to be added to the perl source 
> code and
> the
>  recompiled - as I don't have the source its a dead end.
> ANY help would be gratefully appreciated.
> Regards
> Ian Jones
> For more information on Standard Life, visit our website
>   The Standard Life Assurance Company, 
> Standard
> Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH, is registered in 
> Scotland
> (No SZ4) and regulated by the Personal Investment Authority.  Tel: 0131 
> 225
> 2552 - calls may be recorded or monitored.  This confidential e-mail is 
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> the addressee only.  If received in error, do not retain/copy/disclose 
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