On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, will trillich wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 06:48:38AM +0200, Gerald Richter wrote:
> > > regarding the tools that dovetail into the mod_perl paradigm,
> > > who's got a comparison over relative performance (and other
> > > strengths/weaknesses) of various templating methods?
> >
> > There are various discussions on the mod_perl list about this topic in the
> > past (so take a look at the archives). Also there was an start to write such
> > a comparsion, but I am not aware that anybody has really finished it. The
> > only benchmarks I know are from Joshua. I append his mail below.
> >
> > NOTE: While the hello.xxx benchmarks only prints "Hello world", so they only
> > measures the startup overhead of the toolkit, the h2000.xxx tests tends a
> > little bit more towards a real application.
> this is interesting information -- perhaps misleading to use the
> microscopic "hello world" but still it gives a starting point:
> here i sorted by hits-per-second
> > Test Name                      Test File  Hits/sec   Bytes/Hit
> > ------------                   ---------- ---------- ----------
> > HTML static                    hello.html 1158.4     311 bytes
> > mod_include SSI                hello.shtm  996.6     198 bytes
> > mod_caucho JSP                 hello.jsp   860.6     230 bytes
> > mod_perl handler               hello.benc  852.6     196 bytes
> > mod_php PHP                    hello.php   734.8     225 bytes
> > Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI Raw hello_raw.  706.4     52 bytes
> > Apache::Dispatch v0.08 handler hello/worl  656.1     196 bytes
> > HTML::Template v2.0            hello.htmp  567.2     198 bytes
> > Apache::SSI v2.16              hello.shtm  559.4     199 bytes
> > Template v2.00 Toolkit         hello.tt    522.1     198 bytes
> > Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI.pm  hello.reg   458.5     216 bytes
> > HTML::Embperl v2.0a18          hello.epl   458.2     219 bytes
> > Apache::ASP v2.07              hello.asp   390.6     241 bytes
> > Apache::ePerl                  hello.eper  344.8     217 bytes
> > HTML::Mason v0.895             hello.mas   365.3     197 bytes
> i bet CGI would be 200.0 or so... ?
> and here's the "handler actualy does some work" set:
> > mod_caucho JSP 2000            h2000.jsp   328.9     28964 byte
> > mod_php PHP 2000               h2000.php   261.8     28865 byte
> > HTML::Embperl v2.0a18 2000     h2000.epl   247.3     28809 byte
> > Apache::ASP v2.07 2000         h2000.asp   228.0     28997 byte
> > HTML::Mason v0.895 2000        h2000.mas   222.9     28798 byte
> > Template v2.00 Toolkit 2000    h2000.tt     55.6     28888 byte
> wow. template toolkil took a big hit, there. (no mod_perl on
> this list? hmm!)

This benchmark can be very non-representive. If you don't know how to
optimize each and every "thing" under test, you end up with unfair
benchmark and come to potentially wrong conclusions. Take TT, add compiled
template caching on the disk and shared TT object and I bet TT won't be at
the bottom.

In any case always remember that it's extremely hard to run a fair
benchmark. I'd say it's almost impossible. The only fair benchmarking can
be done if you know all the in's and out's of the 'things' under test and
provide many benchmark tests each exploring a single property and not just
'one for all' benchmark.

Of course it's a good thing to have benchmarks, but they all should be
taken with a grain of salt.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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