On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Константин Михайлов wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:51:49 +0500
> From: Константин Михайлов <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: modperl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Apache+mod_perl+JServ
> Hi mod_perlers !
> I'm not sure, may be my question is off topic. If it is did you point me in
> the right list if possible ?
> Currently we are developing entirely mod_perl end user application using
> Embperl template system. Our customer has about 50-100 workstations and Sun
> Enterprise 250 w/ 512 MB RAM server. Now we need a some reporting tool and
> we are decide use our reporting system from previously project. It was
> written on java and works good under Oracle Application Server 4.0.8. Now we
> decide port it under Apache JServ. Is follow configuration optimal:

I think you need more memory, at least 1024 M (buy Kingston's modules,
they cost lower than Sun's).

For mod_perl acceleration I use the squid as a httpd_accellerator, works
fine especially with low speed connected HTTP clients. In this case you
can set MaxClients to 40 - 50.

mod_perl and JServ i think can  be compiled together and works fine.

>       - one proxying Apache with mod_rewrite which serving static html and
> dispatch abilities
>       - plus another Apache mod_perl enabled
>       - plus another one Apache JServ enabled
> Or Apache which compiled altogether.
> Or other configuration.
> Note: customer server are running Oracle 8.1.7 also. No other important
> services running on it.
> Thanx
> any thoughts are very welcome.
> Mike.

If you have any questions you can e-mail me in russian to

Vasily Petrushin

  • ... Константин Михайлов
    • ... Vasily S. Petrushin
    • ... Ged Haywood
      • ... Mithun Bhattacharya

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