I have a question about require when using mod-perl. I produced four simple
.pl files.
main.pl, one.pl two.pl three.pl

>From the main.pl you can link to either one two or three.pl. Pretty simple.

The problem begins when I put a require in "one.pl, two.pl, and three.pl".
If in each of those files I put in for instance:
require "D:/Apache/mod_perl/query.pl";

When I click on the main, and lets say I go to one.pl it works fine.
If I then proceed to click on two.pl (it says query.pl not found), even
though there is a require.

Restart Apache,
Then click from main to two.pl it works fine.
If then I go to one.pl error (it says query.pl not found).

So my question is why this bazaar behavior. If I change the query.pl to a
module and use it in each of the pages it is fine. I just find this behavior
rather funny. If anyone has any insight please update me.

Scott Purcell

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