
I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I'm using 
Template-Toolkit under Apache/mod_perl and created my own handler for 
it. There is such line in this handler:

    my $temp_file = $r->path_info();

When i send this $temp_file to log it works fine:

    my $log = $r->log();
    $log->notice($temp_file, $r->filename);

But if i try to modify it (eg. $temp_file =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;) it doesn't do 
nothing. It's still same as in the beginning. What am i doing wrong? It 
should be a regular string so i should be able to modify it...

And if I send $temp_file as variable to process it into template it's empty:

    my $vars = {
       filename => $temp_file,}

    $template->process($file, $vars, $r)

Any help would be great.


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