On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am a currently trying to have Apache and mod_perl to run with win 2000. This is 
>part of a review being currently undertaken by my company on what technical solution 
>to use for our intranet web server.
> I have installed Apache 1.20 downloaded from apache.org web site.
> I have installed Perl from Activestate. The version installed is 
> I have downloaded mod_perl from ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca, installed it using ppm. 
>The version of the package I have installed is mod_perl-1_25_1_3_20-eapi.tar.gz
> Unfortunately, I have trouble running mod_perl: when I start Apache, I get the 
>following error message:
>    "Syntax error on line 204 of c:/apache/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load c:/apache/apache/modules/mod_perl.so into server: (127) The specified 
>procedure could not be found:"
> I have some questions. Thanks for any information that could be provided:
> 1) Would anyone know what causes this error message and what I could do to solve the 

As another reply noted, is the mod_perl-enabled Perl in your PATH?
And does it occur first, if you have multiple Perl binaries on
your system? This is the most common cause of this error ... Also, check
that mod_perl.so does exist in C:/apache/apache/modules/. Finally,
make sure, if you get the non-eapi version,  that you grab the mod_perl
version that corresponds to your Apache version - the numbering goes like
mod_perl-x.xx_y.yy.ppd, where x.xx denotes the mod_perl version and y.yy
that of Apache. The non-eapi mod_perl ppd that corresponds to the
latest Apache is at http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/mod_perl.ppd.

> 2) What is the difference between the eapi and no eapi versions of mod_perl. I have 
>tried both, without success. I get an error message complaining about API in the 
>version of mod_perl that does not have eapi in its name.

Ones with "eapi" in the name were compiled with the EAPI flag, which
is used with mod_ssl. This isn't needed unless you're using mod_ssl.

> 3) In the mailing list and at other places on the net, reference is made of 
>expat_win32.dll. What is this dll for? Do I need it?

This is the expat library for use with the latest version of
XML-Parser - the reason for the special name is that the expat
and XML-Parser sources were modified to avoid a namespace
conflict on Win32. Don't bother with this unless you're trying
to install the latest XML-Parser.

best regards,
randy kobes

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