I 've tried the new version
The problem is simple..
When i change the env of win32 i used, the mod_perl run.
I suggest you change the env by setting
set PATH=C:\perl\bin\
or wherever your perl interpreter located,
then start apache from MS-DOS prompt
Good luck

  Electronics Engineering
  Department of Electrical Engineering
  Institut Teknologi Bandung
  Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, frans wrote:

> I use Apache 1.3.9 and it's an old version of course..
> why don't you try compiling the source code provided by www.modperl.org ?
> Thank you.
> -----------------------------------------
>   Frans
>   Electronics Engineering
>   Department of Electrical Engineering
>   Institut Teknologi Bandung
>   Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -----------------------------------------
> On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Randy Kobes wrote:
> > On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, frans wrote:
> > 
> > > Try download ApacheModulePerl.dll from
> > > www.cpan.org, choose by author, Jeffrey_Baker
> > > good luck
> > 
> > Does this work for you? What Apache version are you using?
> > The mod_perl dll is fairly dependent on the version of Apache
> > it was compiled with, and this version on CPAN was compiled
> > against a fairly old Apache.
> > 
> > best regards,
> > randy kobes
> > 

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