Hello list

perhaps it is off-topic (sorry for that, but i hope that somebody of you 
can help me), but somehow i wish to have a solution with precompiled perl 
such as mod_perl or ... everything else which fits to my needs.

I want to filter every access of for example all .jpg-files on my apache 
for autentication purposes. I  use my own cookie-based authentication 
So one solution i had was to add a handler

Action auth authent.pl
AddHanlder auth jpg

and in the authent.pl use something like a internal redirection. But the 
only way i know to get this internal redirection is the following:

open(DATEI, ...)
print while (<DATEI>)

So, I'd be glad if you can give me some hints to solve this.
Especially in order to efficiency (for that it don't have to be compiled 
I'm running apache 1.3.17 with mod_perl on a Linux machine.

Thanks in advance!

Thomas Bach

think karo..

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