[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bach) wrote:
>perhaps it is off-topic (sorry for that, but i hope that somebody of you 
>can help me), but somehow i wish to have a solution with precompiled perl 
>such as mod_perl or ... everything else which fits to my needs.
>I want to filter every access of for example all .jpg-files on my apache 
>for autentication purposes. I  use my own cookie-based authentication 
>So one solution i had was to add a handler
>Action auth authent.pl
>AddHanlder auth jpg
>and in the authent.pl use something like a internal redirection. But the 
>only way i know to get this internal redirection is the following:
>open(DATEI, ...)
>print while (<DATEI>)

If you want to directly send a file, use:

   open(DATEI, ...)

You can do an internal redirect using subrequests, if you want.  See

But I'm not sure why you need to redirect just to authenticate.  Can't
you just deny access if authentication fails, and allow it if it

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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