> to clarify what i mean by 'simple':
> - trivial to install and to use

That's important

> - small disk footprint
>   < 10 modules total. preferably 1

disks are cheap, so it doesn't matter if you take one or two MB

> - small memory footprint
>   this is usually the first bottleneck i see with
>   mod_perl. i don't know how big these others
>   systems get, but with the high numbers of modules...

As soon as you start to precompile the Perl code inside your template, your
memory footprint will increase and will be much more than what your module
takes. If you don't precompile the Perl code you will never get a good
performance for bigger pages.

> - fast, with little overhead to begin with.
>   just because they're mod_perl, does not mean they're
>   fast enough.

see above.

> - very basic non-syntax
>   it's either code or it's not. no added tags, etc.

That's a matter of taste

> - extensibility via sub-classing.

This makes sense, but Perl methods are not the fasted solution, so you may
decide, do you want a good design are a fast one...

> i really think these criteria are reasonable, and that
> there should be such a minimal approach available.
> (i just did some quick tests against Embperl, and my
> memory and speed concerns are justified.)

Before you don't have a real application that does more the "Hello World" ,
nothing is justified. (and I can't imagine how you have tested it with a
real application, when it is a "quick test") (If you want to test against
Embperl you should use 2.0b3 which is much faster then 1.3.x!)

Of course I can be fast, when I do nearly nothing, but if you want to create
applications, that do more then just mailing a form, you have to do a lot of
things more and all those things will take time and memory, regardless if
your template system does them for you, or if you reinvent them again for
every web application you write.

> most projects may still be better off using Embperl,
> Mason, ASP, TT from the beginning. But all should not
> be forced to just because others had bad experiences
> when they started out with a basic templating scheme.
> i am still waiting for some direct positive feedback,
> though. :)

It's your decision, but I think you waste your time while you make all the
experiences the other had made during the last 3-5 years. I think it would
more helpfull if you help to improve the other modules (for example makeing
them easier to install etc.)

...but I know that's useless to say, mostly everybody has to write his own
templating solution...


P.S. I guess we would have much better ones, if we don't have hundreds of
them all doing nearly the same !

Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5         D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Voice:    +49 6133 925131
WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:      +49 6133 925152

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