I'm no expert but I believe if you do what you want to do and return
DECLINED apache will pick it up from there.

According to the book Writing Apache Modules with Perl an C:

The handler has decided it doesn't want to handle the request.  Apache will
act as if the subroutine were never called and either handle the phase
internally or pass the request on to another module that has expressed
interest.  Even if all registered modules return DECLINED for a particular
phase, it will still be handled by the apache core, which has handlers for
each phase( even if they do nothing)."

more to the same effect.....

The book is well worth the price.  Check it out.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Surat Singh Bhati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: nothing-or-all behave of perl module

> hi members,
> While we use a perl handler at any stage handle that
> apache phase using our module, can Apache do its all default
> processing for the same stage, or it works on nothing-or-all
> approchm.
> I want to modify the  PerlTransHandler slightly, but I dont
> want  to rewrite all the processing done by Aapche in perl
> module. Can I forward the default processing to Apache
> handle again for the same stage. OR can I insert my custom handler
> between any two stage of apache.
> I means, at TransHandler , first I want to do some processing
> using the PerlTransHandler , then let the Apache do all the
> task of TransHandler (sort of stack handler)
> Is is possible?
> Reagards,
> -Surat Singh Bhati

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