better, someone has written a script which will build a .spec
file for an RPM, from which you can build .src.rpm or .i386.rpm files...
there is a version out there that works with rpm4, I won't post the it
here in the hopes that someone who is maintaining a version _will_ speak
up... basically it comes down to:

/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES> ./ --spec --source tarball.1.1.tgz
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES> cd ../SPECS
/usr/src/redhat/SPECS> rpm -ba tarball-1.1.spec
/usr/src/redhat/SPECS> rpm -i ../RPMS/i386/perl-tarball-1.1.rpm

I've typed the above from memory and may have botched filenames/syntaxes
etc... search the list for similar and probably better examples..

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, raptor wrote:

> > Ironically, having tried the suggestion from Darren, I discover that I
> don't have
> > LWP installed. My sysadmin however, will install anything for me as long
> as
> > I provide him with an RPM for it.
> >
> > I don't mean to sound lazy, and I have just checked, but I
> can't
> > quickly put my hands on an rpm which includes LWP::Simple for Red Hat 7.0
> >
> ]- get checkinstall and install LWP on your computer as stated in the
> checkinstall docs and it will make the RPM for U :")
> after u install checkinstall u have to do something like this :
> perl
> make
> make test
> checkinstall make install
> HtH
> =====
> iVAN
> =====

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