On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, John Buwa wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a huge system i wrote using the cgi-lib.pl as its core. I attempted to 
>integrate mod-perl with my system and all my cgi-lib.pl which are used via a require 
>in all scripts returns errors. My dont work, if they do the act very strange and 
> My question is how do i use cgi-lib.pl and mod-perl together? Is anyone doing this? 
>How can it be done.
> Here is a common error in my log:
> [Mon Jul 23 05:38:06 2001] [error] Undefined subroutine
> &Apache::ROOTwww_2emy_2ddomain_2ecom::cgi_2dbin::pads::welcome_2epl::ReadPar
> se called at /driveb/usr/web/webroot/cgi-bin/pads/welcome.pl line 7.


a quick hack:

s/require "cgi-lib.pl"/do "cgi-lib.pl"/

doesn't effective, but a working solution.

Another solution would be to write a wrapper around cgi-lib.pl to use a
package as explained in the URL above.

But the best is to use CGI.pm's cgi-lib compat mode:
$ perldoc CGI

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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