At 03:37 27.07.01 -0500, you wrote:
>I sanitize all my input in my scripts to only allow chars i want allowed. My
>working lines before using modperl and for some reason kick out error with
>mod perl are as follows:
>$user =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]//go;
>$pass =~ s/[^$OK_CHARS]//go;
>When an account is created i only allow chars from the list $OK_CHARS this
>works with non modperl apache but not with modperl enabled apache?
>The error in the log states:
>[error] Unmatched [ before HERE mark in regex m/[ << HERE ^]/ at
> line 169.

There is nothing changed with regexes. Either $OK_CHARS is a global that 
has been changed from another script or some Apache module has redefined it 
or ...?

What does a "warn $OK_CHARS;" write to your error log.


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen."                            - Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

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