Tom et al.

> >> Mixing HTML with Perl with SQL is bad and evil on every single possible
> >> level.
> >
> > If however you work in a two person company where you have barely enough
> > time to go to the bathroom let alone think about creating your own
> > database abstraction layer for a custom application and "maintaining"
> > code
> > means changing a link once a month.  Then by all means embed away, and
> > take the quick development path over performance or maintainability.
> This is, in my opinion, circular logic. Perhaps the reason that you
> barely
> have enough time to go to the bathroom is that you're writing the code
> the
> wrong way. :-)


> > On the other hand, if you are completely broke and work on a non-profit
> > project and the only system you have is a P200 with 64M of Memory, then
> > you may want to think about avoiding templating systems, and doing
> > nothing
> > but a single module with embedded SQL with Perl and HTML.
> Assuming they're paying you anywhere near a living wage, their money
> would
> be better spent on modestly upgraded hardware than having you fumbling
> around with inefficient to maintain code.

Tom, I couldn't have said it better myself.
BTW. The project I am working on right now *is* for a small non-profit.  We
don't have a P200 but we have a single P3 machine doing all the work.  We
don't have huge fault-tolerant systems or UML models or Java Class Hierarchy
posters on our walls, or a coding team in Bangalore working on our project.
All this notwithstanding, I have time to go to the bathroom.  I can even
take reading material with me.

I have been in the two-person startup before... and let me tell you, if you
think that you should cut corners now, it's just going to bite you in the
arse later.

Just because we use free and/or open source tools to build our code, doesn't
mean we can write crap.  We have an obligation to do our duty to whomever we
work for, and LEARN and apply that learning to our work.

> > There is always more then one way to do it, and there's usually more
> > then
> > one right way to do it.  Let's keep that in mind.
> Agreed. However, Perl + HTML + SQL isn't one of the right ways! :-)

Couldn't agree more.  Just because TMTOWDI doesn't mean that all of those
ways are equal.  Most ways suck, in fact.


Software Engineer
Central Park Software

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