On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Sidharth Malhotra wrote:

> In the Apache::Reload module, if the 'require' fails, your script bails out,
> and your client gets status 500.  The side effect is that totally unrelated
> scripts can fail because a bad programmer on another end of the system
> forgot my a variable.
> My proposed solution is to put the require inside an eval.  Upon failure,
> simply write to the error log.
> My Question:  If the require is in an eval, what happens when a reload
> fails?  Does the old code in memory stay or or is it removed w/out being
> replaced by the updated code?

Apache::Reload shouldn't be used on production systems. At least in the
way you describe. This dissolves the problem.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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