Hello there,
I have a problem and I am not sure how to explain it... So please
forgive me if I sound like a rookie, since I am that. 
I have a packge called: my::foo in which I have declared the following:

package my::foo;
@my::foo::ISA = qw( my::bar );
sub handler
        my $r = shift;
        # rest of the code

I have a method called cookie_check in my 'my::bar' package that needs
to be called before my controller or 'my::foo' takes over.

package my::bar;

sub cookie_check
        my $self        = shift;
        # rest of the code
I have declared the following in my httpd.conf:
<Location /foo>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler my::foo->cookie_check()
However, I get an error message:
Can't locate object method "cookie_check()" via package my::foo

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

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