on 8/4/01 1:34 PM, brian moseley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> also, has there been any thought given to locking cached
> items? when i'm using a shared cache with multiprocess
> apache, the opportunity exists for multiple requests to
> access a single session simultaneously, which can lead to
> races. which i'm happy to ignore for now but would be nice
> to eventually prevent.

Gunther's Extropia stuff includes optional support for sessions that lock in
the way you're describing, but I've never seen any other session
implementation that did it this way.  It seems that the session pattern is
generally used for transient data where last-save-wins is fine as long as
the integrity of the data is protected during the actual writes.  If you
need fancier locking, you could try ripping the lock stuff out of

- Perrin

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