With this config file, when I access /perl-status I got message in log file:
[Wed Aug  8 14:09:00 2001] [error] Undefined subroutine &Apache::Status::handler called.
What does it mean?
        ServerName www.energetyka.net
        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        DocumentRoot /home/almainet/www-enet/html
        Alias /cgi-bin/ /home/almainet/www-enet/cgi-bin/
        Alias /cgi-admin/ /home/almainet/www-enet/cgi-admin/
        ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/enet-error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/httpd/enet-access.log combined
        PerlModule B::TerseSize
        PerlModule Apache:Status
        <Location /cgi-admin>
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlHandler Apache::Registry
            Options ExecCGI
            Allow from all
            PerlSendHeader On
        <Location /cgi-bin>
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlHandler Apache::Registry
            Options ExecCGI
            Allow from all
            PerlSendHeader On
        <Location /server-status>
                SetHandler server-status
                Order deny,allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from .almainternet.pl .alma.poznan.pl
        <Location /server-info>
                SetHandler server-info
                Order deny,allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from .almainternet.pl .alma.poznan.pl
        <Location /perl-status>
                SetHandler perl-script
                PerlHandler Apache::Status
                PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
                PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
                PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
                PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
                order deny,allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from .almainternet.pl .alma.poznan.pl
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_ Zawarte w niniejszej wiadomości oświadczenia stanowią
_ oświadczenia woli lub wiedzy składane w imieniu Alma Internet S.A
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_ tel +48-61-8432630, fax +48-61-8432629
_ www: http://www.almainternet.pl e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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