I can run this simple script through perl itself, but when I put it in the 
cgi-bin and try to run it using mod_perl Perl pops up in windows with an 
error.  I assume this means I need something like Apache::DBI?...  I 
originally got Apache in binary form with mod_perl installed and did not 
have to compile anything.  I tried to follow the instructions but i dont 
seem to be able to build Apache::DBI
I ran
perl makefile.pl which creates a file called makefile
then the instructions tell you to run
make test
make install

make by run by itself says 'No terminator specified for in-line operator' 
and i dont have a test or install file that came with the Apache:DBI 
download.  I have a test.pl but that doesnt seem to be what i need.  I am 
running Win 98se if that helps.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Here is the code I tried to run.
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:Test1Db');
$sqlstatement="SELECT * FROM ASTAB";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sqlstatement);
$sth->execute ||
       die "Could not execute SQL statement ... maybe invalid?";

#output database results
while (@row=$sth->fetchrow_array)
  { print "@row\n" }

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