On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 03:49:30PM -0400, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:39:09AM -0600, The Doctor wrote:
> > 
> > I will try, but this indicates to me that perl 5.6 is geared towards
> > Linux without consideration for BSD/OS and related OSes. 
> Huh? I don't follow. Neither would Tom Baker ;-).
> We're discussing different ways of installing Perl so that later
> versions and earlier versions can coexist (and even cooperate, see
> below).  Since most (all common?) OSs don't deal with library versioning
> issues transparently, it's up to the app (perl in this case).  Most apps
> don't bother.
> The Perl config gurus try very hard to make it so that multiple versions
> will coexist by default and even to make it so that newer versions will
> hunt back through previous versions' library trees for libraries so you
> don't have to install multiple copies of libraries just to have multiple
> versions of Perl able to call the same libraries.  It's not perfect, but
> it seems to work pretty well.  On a wide variety of platforms.
> If it isn't installed to use this version number in it's library
> path(s), that's ok too, but don't blame Perl's design; that's an
> installer's decision, I believe.  
> - Barrie

This is not going well with me as this forces to stay at perl 5.00503 until
BSD/OS comes up with the new perl distrubution.

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