Right, assuming you're using basic auth.

Otherwise, check CPAN for Crypt::PasswdMD5 or Digest::MD5.


Cody Sherr

Covalent Technologies

phone: (415)536-5292

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Thomas Bach wrote:

> At 09:25 15/08/01 -0700, you wrote:
> >You have a couple of options.
> >
> >First is to use calls to htpasswd()
> >
> >system("$apacheroot/bin/htpasswd", "-b", "/path/to/passwordfile",
> >"username", "password")
> this works with basic-authentication, but "htdigest" knows no -b parameter :-(
> >The second, which is more efficient than starting a htpasswd process, is
> >to use perl's crypt(), create a password, and then append it to your
> >password file.
> do basic & digest authentication use the same algorithym to crypt the
> passwords?
> >It's my understanding, that if your form starts in HTTPS, you can use
> >basic auth and SSL will protect that along with the rest of your data.
> mine's the same, but i'm not sure, so i ask ...
> thanks anyway ...
> Thomas Bach
> <><><><><><><><>
> think karo...
>         bkaro.net

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