On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Philip Mak wrote:


> I have two mod_perl programs on my site. One is in the directory "inr2",
> and the other is in the directory "otherinr2".
> These mod_perl programs have exactly the same code. Both of them do:
> use cfg;
> where cfg.pm is a file that's in both inr2 and otherinr2, but it's
> different in these directories.
> But the code in "otherinr2" is getting the cfg.pm from "inr2" since they
> have the same filename and relative paths. How can I make the "use"
> command not act braindead about this? Is there a CPAN module that I can
> import to overload the use command with something that takes the full
> pathname into account perhaps?

try a
        do 'cfg.pm';
to force the compile

otherwise you might want to take a look at Apache::Reload on CPAN.


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