Does anybody working with cygwin can help Leonid to solve his problem?

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Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:19:40 -0400
From: Leonid Zalechansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The problem

The problem is then I run Makefile.PL under cygwin it does not start script and as result Makefile at src/module/perl
created without any PERL_MOD vars, and created ERROR message on run "make"
command. After I modified script it begun works and created makefile what
looks good, but at run "make" it created a lot of lines with message about
:undefined reference to '......, though I using APACI.

May be it's still some problem in makefile? Could you give me a sample of
correct one what should be created in module/perl dir?

Thank you.

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