On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Steven Sajous wrote:

> According to the INSTALL.win32 documentation that came with mod_perl I
> should do perl Makefile.pl then run nmake install. Has anyone worked
> with nmake for win32 before? I have installed mod_perl on linux a few
> times but never on win32. Where can I get nmake for win32? Is it a
> reliable tool?

If you're using ActivePerl, you should be using Visual C++ for your
compiler, for binary compatibility. This comes with nmake. If you've
compiled your own Perl with a different compiler, use the make program
that you used with that compiler.

As far as reliability goes, Einstein teaches us that everything is
relative ... VC++ is probably the most prevalent compiler in the
MS Win32 world, so in that context is pretty stable. But if you
want to compare the reliability of MS tools to Linux tools ...

best regards,
randy kobes

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