I'm trying to simply get Apache/mod_perl working in W2K ... I've been 
trying to follow the steps outlined in messages I've found from 
searching through archives, but it seems I'm a bit stuck.  My experience 
w/ Apache has always been in Linux or *BSD, so I'm somewhat lost when it 
comes to getting this going in W2k.

I have Apache 1.3.20 installed - the httpd.conf is vanilla - I can 
access my server by going to http://localhost/ - so all is good there.

I downloaded ActivePerl 629 (?) and it installed fine ... c:\perl\bin is 
in my path and seems to work fine.  I ran PPM and had it install 
mod_perl from theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca - everything seemed to run fine and 
in the end it asked me where to put mod_perl.so - the path I gave was 
c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/modules - I later looked here and I 
could see mod_perl.

I then added the following line to my httpd.conf:

LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

and left everything else as it was.  I now get the following when I try 
to start Apache:

The Apache service is starting.
Failed to start the Apache service.
Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit. 

I don't see any error messages that do me any good, config test returns 
Syntax OK and the error log shows nothing.

What do I need to do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Brice Ruth

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