I tried altering ppm of ActivePerl to point to the repository to get the
mod_perl binary, but there was no such package available.

I downloaded the source code and followed the steps in install.win32, to
compile with MS Visual C++. Didn't work.

I followed the steps to install with

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=blah INSTALL_DLL=blah

again it didn't work. "Couldn't find ApacheCore.lib in blah" when the damn
F'ing library was somewhere else.

Downloaded a binary of mod_perl.so for Win32 and installed manually, put the
required directive in httpd.conf, again, didn't work. "Error: Can't load
mod_perl.so: A device attached to the system isn't functioning." Hmm, WTF is
this? Since when has apache needed hardware?

I give up. How do I install the damn thing? Why aren't the docs accurate?
Why doesn't anything ever work? Very strange...


...ah, feel better now. ;)


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