On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, James Buchanan wrote:

> I tried altering ppm of ActivePerl to point to the repository to get the
> mod_perl binary, but there was no such package available.

Does the following not work?

DOS> ppm
ppm> set repository mp
ppm> install mod_perl
ppm> quit

or alternatively, as one command,

DOS> ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/mod_perl.ppd

This particular mod_perl.ppd assumes apache_1.3.20.
With either of these, after installing the relevant mod_perl
files in your, eg, C:\Perl tree, a post-install script should be
run asking you where to put mod_perl.so (which should be your
Apache modules/ directory).

> I downloaded the source code and followed the steps in install.win32, to
> compile with MS Visual C++. Didn't work.
> I followed the steps to install with
> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=blah INSTALL_DLL=blah
> again it didn't work. "Couldn't find ApacheCore.lib in blah" when the damn
> F'ing library was somewhere else.

The ApacheCore.lib library should be underneath APACHE_SRC - perhaps
something like src\Release. Alternatively, you can (with newer
Apaches) specify APACHE_SRC as the root directory of where you
installed Apache (ApacheCore.lib should be under libexec/ here).

> Downloaded a binary of mod_perl.so for Win32 and installed manually, put the
> required directive in httpd.conf, again, didn't work. "Error: Can't load
> mod_perl.so: A device attached to the system isn't functioning." Hmm, WTF is
> this? Since when has apache needed hardware?

Those aren't very helpful error messages, are they? It also
means that it can't load the indicated library file. mod_perl.so
requires mod_perl to have been installed under your
Perl tree, which I assume from the above you haven't had
success in doing yet. As well, the mod_perl.so should be compiled
against the version of Perl and Apache that you're using,
and Perl should be in your PATH environment variable.

> I give up. How do I install the damn thing? Why aren't the docs accurate?
> Why doesn't anything ever work? Very strange...

More details about what went wrong would help in improving
the docs, as well as what parts of the docs you found inaccurate ...

> ...ah, feel better now. ;)

That's what we're here for :) Keep trying - it's worth it ...

best regards,
randy kobes

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