
I'm trying to use Apache::Request to upload a file, but it's not

Here's how I initalize the object:
 $s = shift;
 $apr = Apache::Request->new ( $s,
                                DISABLE_UPLOADS => 0 );

And here's the upload code:
          # using $rv for something beside a return value
          $rv = $params->{path_dir} . '/list.txt';
          $fh = new IO::File "> $rv";

          if ( defined $fh ) {
            $s = $apr->upload ( 'list_file' );
            if ( ! defined $s ) {
              $s = 'could not get object from $apr->upload';
              push ( @{$errors}, $s );
            else {
              $upload = $s->fh;
              while ( <$upload> ) {
                $fh->print ( $_ );
          else {
            $s = 'could not write to ' . $rv . ': ' . $!;
            push ( @{$errors}, $s );

And $s never gets defined on this line:
$s = $apr->upload ( 'list_file' );

Any clues, suggestions, &c. welcome.


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