Hello, All!

>Yes. AxKit's XSP module does this. Your SQL can be generated with the
>AxKit::XSP::ESQL module, and then you can loop over the results
>in your XSLT stylesheet using either xsl:foreach or (better still)
> using a template.

Actually using AxKit::XSP::ESQL module seems to be much
more complicated compared to calling a function in Template Toolkit,
for example, it is inconvenient to write code like this:

  <sql:query>SELECT MessageId, Subject FROM Messages</sql:query>
in Template, it would be something like
[% data=fetch({sql=>"SELECT MessageId, Subject FROM Messages"}) %]
and we can connect to database only once, probably before
processing a Template. Also, logic seems to be easier to implement
with Template than with AxKit.

So, we tried to set up Apache so that files will be processed
with Template Toolkit first, and the result will be an XML
to be processed by AxKit. But that didn't work,
with the following error message in log:
Can't locate object method "filter_register" via package "Apache" at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/Apache/RegistryFilter.pm line 13.

How can I configure Apache so that Template output
will be processed by AxKit?

We have also heard something about OpenInteract, which is based on
Template Toolkit - may be it would be simplier to use it?

Best regards,
Alexander Efimov.
programmer of WebZavod

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