I'm working on the Apache::AuthExpire module.  Considering the
difficulties of getting two browsers to behave the same way, 
I was thinking that I should probably implement a login page, 
once the initial authentication phase is finished.  Basically,
user logs in, then if no timestamp is available (stored in a file),
then the initial login also starts the timer.  If a timestamp is 
available, and the user is idle for more than 15 minutes, the user
is greeted with an html page asking for password again.

My question is this:  should I implement this as an authen handler,
which it is now, or as an authz handler, which I think would give me more

Also, how do I get something renamed or reclassified, if I decide
that I should move it from the Authen phase to the Authz phase?


J. J. Horner

Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition:  either we 
are completely free, or we are subjects of a
tyrannical system.  If we lose one freedom in a
thousand, we become completely subjugated.

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