On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Jim wrote:

> I'll try to spit out some more thoughts as they come. Please feel 
> free to contribute. Now's the time to get the wish list put together.

Some ideas (from the user's perspective):

It would be nice if, the user interface provided a configuration and
version form that the user could select for responses.  For example, an
article may cover all Apache versions between certain version numbers, or
all versions above some value.

It would be nice if, a sort priority were available.  In other words, the
date of the article or the keywords may be most important. (etc.)

It would be nice if, the knowledge base could connect the information dots.
 In other words, would contain references (links) to related information.
Of these, "Guide", "Debugging", and  "Archive"  references would be useful.

It would be nice if, the information entered during a query could be used
to post to an email list.  In other words, if the user does not finding
useful information, that it would be easy to post a message,  that would
get human feedback.

| George Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| http://www.xorgate.com

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