I am trying to get Apache::Hello to work. I saved it as in
lib/perl/Apache. Below are my setup files and pertinent info. When I access
the virtual location (hello/world) from Apache's root directory, my browser
returns the following message: "The document contains no data." I can
successfully run Apache's built-in server-status module. I don't receive any
errors when starting Apache and don' t see any errors in the logs. Any

Apache Version 1.3.9
mod_perl Version 1.26
Perl Version 5.6.1

# vi
"" 19 lines, 372 characters

# modify the include path before we do anything else
   use Apache ();
   use lib Apache->server_root_relative('lib/perl');

# commonly used modules
use Apache::Registry ();
use Apache::Constants ();
use CGI qw(-compile :all);
use CGI::Carp ();

# put any other common modules here
# use Apache::DBI ();
# use LWP ();
# use DB_File ();

# vi perl.conf
"perl.conf" 10 lines, 318 characters
#Tells Apache to load and run the startup script when it is first launched.
PerlRequire             conf/
PerlFreshRestart        On

###I also tried this in httpd.conf because it was not working and
server-status is in httpd.conf
<Location /hello/world>
   SetHandler   perl-script
   PerlHandler  Apache::Hello

# vi
"" 26 lines, 392 characters
package Apache::Hello;
# File: Apache/

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
   my $r = shift;
   my $host = $r->get_remote_host;
<TITLE>Hello There</TITLE>
<H1>Hello $host</H1>
Who would take this book seriously if the first example didn't
say "hello world"?
   return OK;


Thanks, Ray

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