>> Whoops!  Returning OK terminates the PostReadRequest phase,
>> apparently.  Changing that to return DECLINED made PerlSetEnv work
>> again.  Sorry,
>> Nat
>Before reading your post I had implemented a similar handler, although I
>put it in as a TransHandler, so I guess I should move it to
>PostReadRequest to pick things up a little earlier.  I'm returning DONE
>mine when I spot a bad request, which also seems to prevent any logging
>from happening without defining a LogHandler.  Hitting it with a browser
>gets me a "document contained no data" message.  I'm just curious about
>the relative merits of returning DONE vs returning BAD_REQUEST in both
>PostReadRequestHandler and LogHandler.

all phases up to and including content generation ought to behave exactly
the same...

- DECLINED moves to the next handler in the phase
- DONE bypasses content generation, closes the connection, and goes directly
to the logging phase
- anything other than DONE, OK, or DECLINED terminates the phase and enters
the ErrorDocument cycle (where there may or may not be an actual
ErrorDocument configured)

the only thing that varies across the phases is the meaning of OK
 - for trans, auth, authz, and type checkers no further handlers are run
 - for all others it is effectively the same as DECLINED



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