On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 16:40, Steven Boger wrote:
> I've been netsearching for hours..... It's time to beg for help...
> My apache has a hacked mod_include that has a new directive, OAS:
> <!--OAS
> SETUP="www.realmedia.com/Samples/lx.shtml@TopLeft,TopRight,BottomLeft,
> BottomRight"-->
> <!--OAS AD="BottomRight"-->
> Can I somehow run those directives right from mod_perl????

If you have the Eagle book (if you don't you should get it), it talks about 
an Apache::SSI module on pg 94, and then shows you how to implement it.  

You will find a nicely packaged up Apache::SSI on CPAN by Ken Williams.  I 
haven't used it myself, but it should do what you are looking for.  You will 
have to hack this code to handle your OAS calls though...


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