Steven Boger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 09/28/2001:
> I've been netsearching for hours..... It's time to beg for help...
> My apache has a hacked mod_include that has a new directive, OAS:
> <!--OAS 
> SETUP=",TopRight,BottomLeft,
> BottomRight"-->
> <!--OAS AD="BottomRight"-->
> Can I somehow run those directives right from mod_perl????

After this tag is parsed, there are a number of variables in %ENV
that you can access, named based on the positions you specify in
the setup up.  In the case of the above example, the variables
are OAS_TopLeft, OAS_TopRight, OAS_BottomLeft, and

You can get them from the subprocess_env table:

  my $top_left     = $r->subprocess_env('OAS_TopLeft');
  my $top_right    = $r->subprocess_env('OAS_TopRight');
  my $bottom_left  = $r->subprocess_env('OAS_BottomLeft');
  my $bottom_right = $r->subprocess_env('OAS_BottomRight');

...assuming that the setup tag has been parsed.  You can also get
them via SSI #echo statements:

<!--#echo var="OAS_TopLeft" encoding="none" -->

My experience has been that OpenAdStream does a lot of things
well, but interacting with mod_perl is not one of them.  We were
hitting this wall a efw months ago, and were unable to come up
with a decent, well-integrated, programmatic solution.  We have
come up with a replacement for all this madness using the JX
method and a dedicated module that write the JavaScript, which is
really ugly but surprisingly effective.  It doesn't require that
the perl module hit the OAS server or call any oas methods.
Email me offlist if you are interested in hearing how we did it.


I interpret advertising as damage and route around it.

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