I'm having a problem with <Perl> sections that I'm pretty sure shows a 
of some sort in the code that handles this. I've looked around a bit and
can't find any Perl that is responsible for generating the error show 
so I figured asking the list was the best next step.

in httpd.conf:

1  <Perl>
2    $ErrorLog = "|/home/tmornini/Source/ewingz/bin/spread_from_stdin.pl 
3  </Perl>

4  ErrorLog "|/home/tmornini/Source/ewingz/bin/spread_from_stdin.pl 

Lines 1-3 and 4 should do the same thing. They don't. I was banging my 
against the wall with lines 1-3, so I took them out and added line 4, 
works properly. I don't use them simultaneously, but mutually 

When I use the <Perl> section (which I need to allow the path to
spread_from_stdin.pl to be dynamic at runtime) I receive this error:

[Wed Oct 24 09:52:25 2001] [error] <Perl>: ErrorLog takes one argument, 
The filename of the error log

I think that this is a bug in whatever code validates $ErrorLog. It seems
it doesn't know that ErrorLog can be piped into another program...

Either that, or I'm being really dumb and missing something obvious. :-)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

from server-info:

Apache Server Information

Server Settings, mod_perl.c, mod_log_spread.c, mod_access.c, 
mod_rewrite.c, mod_info.c, mod_status.c, mod_mime.c, http_core.c


Server Version: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26

-- Tom Mornini
-- InfoMania Printing & Prepress

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