On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 03:01:25AM -0700, Tom Mornini wrote:
> in httpd.conf:
> 1  <Perl>
> 2    $ErrorLog = "|/home/tmornini/Source/ewingz/bin/spread_from_stdin.pl 
> 3  </Perl>
> 4  ErrorLog "|/home/tmornini/Source/ewingz/bin/spread_from_stdin.pl 
> Lines 1-3 and 4 should do the same thing. They don't. 

I was having this exact problem yesterday, with CustomLog and LogFormat. I
think it's to do with quotes - try putting single quotes around your
$ErrorLog value, so apache will still see it as a quoted string.

- carolyn

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