On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Viljo Marrandi wrote:

> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 17:31:15 +0200
> From: Viljo Marrandi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: modperl list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: CGI.pm problem
> Hello,
> When I try to make a CGI object in my Apache/mod_perl handler a la $q =
> CGI->new(); The server just don't reply. Actually it works just fine
> until I try to submit a form, then it just hangs and Apache doesn't send
> anything back. If I remove this object creation line, then I can submit
> my form (but then its no use, i can't use the data). What could be the
> problem?
> Rgds,
> Viljo


If you're using mod_perl, is there a reason that you don't use the
Apache::Request object for reading form submissions?  Instead of
writing "$q = CGI->new()", do this:

    sub handler {
        my $r   = shift;
        my $apr = Apache::Request->new( $r->is_main ? $r : $r->main );
        my $foo = $apr->param( 'foo' ) || '';


        return OK;

For more information, consult the guide.  Perhaps this section would
be useful to you:



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