Hi there,

I'm seeing a strange bit of behavior and wanted to find out if anyone else
is having this problem.

I have two scripts, index.mod_perl and grapevine.mod_perl.

They both use HTML::Template to generate their output. The template is not
persistant between requests, but $main::tokens is persistant. $main::tokens
is hashref that contains a page title variable which is passed to the
template. The index.mod_perl's tokens contains the page title "Employee
Portal"  and the grapevine.mod_perl contains the page title "Grapvine
Employee Utility." They both use the same html header file during output,
which is customized by the page_title token.

My problem is that sometimes, when I go to grapevine.mod_perl, it shows me
the "Employee Portal" title. It seems that $main::tokens from index.mod_perl
is being shared as $main::tokens to grapevine.mod_perl.

Has anyone had this kind of thing happen?

Kenny Smith

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