Brad Dameron wrote:

> I installed mod perl and php 4 into along with apache 1.3.22. When I add the
> following:
> <Directory /web/htdocs/freeside>
> <Files ~ (\.cgi)>
> AddHandler perl-script .cgi
> PerlHandler HTML::Mason
> </Files>
> <Perl>
>  require "/var/conf/apache/";
> </Perl>
> </Directory>
> and then try to start apache I get this error:
> Syntax error on line 338 of /var/conf/apache/httpd.conf:
> Invalid command '<Perl>', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
> include
> d in the server configuration

It sounds to me that when you recompiled mod_perl, you forgot to add
PERL_SECTIONS=1 on the command line.


Steve Piner
Web Applications Developer
Marketview Limited

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