Hi guys,

Sorry to bring this problem up again, but I have noticed something else
about my unusual error.

Problem:  After a file-upload from a web-form, CGI.pm fails to parse any
information passed to it in the query string.  It does parse form input
however.  Nothing is written to the error log after file upload and the
upload itself is fine (with files being passed to the server correctly).
The HTML does have the correct [EncType="multipart/form-data"] statement in
the [<Form>] tag.  Everything works perfectly (i.e. CGI.pm DOES parse
query-string input) if the same form is submitted but no file is uploaded.

I have now noticed that, after a file upload (and subsequent failure in
parsing query-string inputs), if I then submit another form (with no upload
file) then CGI.pm "resets" itself and parses query strings correctly once

Conclusion:  Something in my Apache/mod_perl/CGI.pm environment is not
exiting cleanly after a file upload.

I should point out that everything works fine under mod_CGI.

Can anyone offer any insight into what I might be doing wrong here?

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

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