
Apache::ASP v2.27 is released, CHANGES below.  You can get it 
from your local CPAN, or:


This was mostly a cleanup/optimization release.  It also fixes
a bug released first in v2.25 when used with older modperls ( <= 2.21 ).

Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the 
Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing 
of dynamic web applications with session management and embedded 
perl code.  There are also many powerful extensions, including 
XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally part 
of the ASP API!  See its web site for more:


-- Josh
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

=item $VERSION = 2.27; $DATE="10/31/2001";

 + Wrapped call to $r->connection->fileno in eval {} so to 
   preserve backwards compatibility with older mod_perl versions
   that do not have this method defined.  Thanks to Helmut Zeilinger
   for catching this.

 + removed ./dev directory from distribution, useless clutter

 + Removed dependency on HTTP::Date by taking code into
   Apache::ASP as Apache::ASP::Date.  This relieves
   the dependency of Apache::ASP on libwww LWP libraries.
   If you were using HTTP::Date functions before without loading
   "use HTTP::Date;" on your own, you will have to do this now.

 + Streamlined code execution.  Especially worked on 
   $Response->IsClientConnected which gets called during
   a normal request execution, and got rid of IO::Select
   dependency. Some function style calls instead of OO style 
   calls where private functions were being invokes that one 
   would not need to override.

 - Fixed possible bug when flushing a data buffer where there
   is just a '0' in it.

 + Updated docs to note that StateCache config was deprecated
   as of 2.23.  Removed remaining code that referenced the config.

 + Removed references to unused OrderCollections code.

 - Better Cache meta key, lower chance of collision with 
   unrelated data since its using the full MD5 keyspace now

 + Optimized some debugging statements that resulted 
   from recent development.

 + Tie::TextDir .04 and above is supported for StateDB
   and CacheDB settings with MLDBM::Sync .21. This is good for 
   CacheDB where output is larger and there are not many 
   versions to cache, like for XSLTCache, where the site is 
   mostly static.

 + Better RESOURCES section to web site, especially with adding
   some links to past Apache::ASP articles & presentations.

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