On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Luciano Miguel Ferreira Rocha wrote:

> > 
> > I was under the assumption that doing something similar to:
> > 
> > my $returnval = $msg->send();
> > 
> > Would give a similar answer.
> > 
> > I'll give the $? a shot though.   I've noticed that from the shell, it
> > always has a 0, and that would show up as false under perl...
> Well, on the shell and every other program, an exit status of 0 means
> success, and a higher one means an error of some kind.
> Btw: /bin/false ; echo $? ==> 1
>      /bin/true  ; echo $? ==> 0
> Also, the SIGCHLD is sent when a child exits, no matter if in error.
> You should then check the $? for the reason of the exit and for the
> return code, if exited normally.
> Regards,
>   Luciano Rocha

I've done this now and am getting back a -1 in $?, despite the mail itself
succeeding.   How can I check the reason for an error code on $? ?

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