On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Hi,
> > > I am sending this after a suggestion that was given to me during
> > > in a perlmonks discussion.
> I was the one who suggested it.  Why don't you take a shot at writing
> it?  The modperl.pod seems like the logical place to patch.  Then Stas
> could add your information to the guide as well.  If you're not sure
> you've got all the facts right, post it to the list and people can check
> it.

Yes, definitely something should be said about this ... It
would also be worth pointing out in this regard the development
of Apache/mod_perl 2.0; at this stage the Win32 code for both
is alpha, but both compile and run on Win32.

best regards,
randy kobes

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