>       THX for the response. To clarify since my active server page
> knowledge is pretty
> much zero here is my issue. 

I'm afraid that what you want to do probably isn't possible.

I will try to teach you something about the architecture of ASP on IIS,
and how it differs from Apache::ASP.

In this context, ASP stands for "Active Server Pages".  This is a
Microsoft technology that allows for server-side scripting languages
to integrate with the MS IIS web server.  The most common scripting
language used with ASP is VBScript, which is a varient of Visual Basic.
JScript, a server-side JavaScript varient, and two different Perl
implementations, PerlScript and PScript, also exist, but they are
very rarely used in the ASP world.  For our purposes, what "ASP" is is
a common "way of doing things" (e.g. common embedded scripting delimiter
syntax, common method calls, common sessioning system) that can be
accessed by all scripting languages that use ASP.

Architecturally, this looks like of like...

IIS <--> ISAPI <--> ASP <--> ActiveX COM Scripting Object (e.g. VBScript)

(Don't worry about what ISAPI is... it's like of like pure mod_perl, but
worse. :-) )

Note that all of this is server-side stuff.  That is, when a user
connects to web server and requests a .asp page, the server "runs"
the script within the .asp page to create HTML, which is then sent
back to the user's web browser.

Now, over to Apache::ASP...

Apache::ASP is a cloned API implementation the "ASP way of doing things"
such that you can use ASP conventions with Perl code embedded within
the Apache::ASP page.  It's similar to HTML::Embperl, but using ASP
conventions. The embedded code within Apache::ASP pages is embedded
_Perl_ code.

Bottom line for your purposes:  it's feasible to port PScript or PerlScript
ASP pages from IIS to Apache and Apache::ASP, but not to port ASP/VBScript
pages.  And it's not likely that the ASP code that anyone is about to give
you is ASP/PScript or ASP/PerlScript code.



  Richard Dice * Personal 416 841 7365 * Fax 416 841 7364
  ShadNet Creator * http://shadnet.shad.ca/ * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Occasional Writer, HotWired * http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/
      "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
          - jesus jones

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