> In my opinion, trying to abstract that stuff away in a web application
> causes to more problems than it solves, especially where back buttons and
> bookmarks are concerned.

We haven't found this to be the case.  Our servers are sessionless,
so bookmarks work fine.   Back buttons aren't any more or less of a
problem.  I actually haven't heard of any problems with our sub-forms
and back buttons.  People do bookmark URLs with form context, but
that's a good thing.  It usually is the login page and they login and
it automatically restores the page which they thought they
bookmarked (which redirected to login in the first place).

> I think it's easier to take a state machine
> approach, the way CGI::MxScreen or Apache::PageKit do.

I don't think this works.  The state machine can manage states going
forward, but not backward.  Consider the problem of a Symbol Lookup on
our site (www.bivio.com).  We come into it from just about any
accounting page having to do with a stock transaction.  It's a single
task, which looks up the ticker and fills it in in the Calling form.
You need to stack the state or you have to introduce N new states
(for entry from forms A, B, C, D, ...).

It did take about two years to come up with a decent implementation of
FormContext.  It's a non-trivial problem, but it can be generalized
and it solves the problem we had.


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